RGB Bi-Color 12v
RGB Bi-Color 12v 5 Meter per roll
This product will elevate your creative projects with our top-quality RGB Bi-Color LED strip. Designed with flexibility and versatility in mind, this 5-meter long strip is perfect for feature films, television, commercials, music videos, and industrial installations. Add vibrant and dynamic lighting to your next project for that special touch.
RGB Bi-Color 12v 5 Meter per roll
This product will elevate your creative projects with our top-quality RGB Bi-Color LED strip. Designed with flexibility and versatility in mind, this 5-meter long strip is perfect for feature films, television, commercials, music videos, and industrial installations. Add vibrant and dynamic lighting to your next project for that special touch.
RGB Bi-Color 12v 5 Meter per roll
This product will elevate your creative projects with our top-quality RGB Bi-Color LED strip. Designed with flexibility and versatility in mind, this 5-meter long strip is perfect for feature films, television, commercials, music videos, and industrial installations. Add vibrant and dynamic lighting to your next project for that special touch.